Who we are

Carpe Diem is small, community choir of mixed voices (Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Bass) based in Luxembourg

Who can join?

Anyone can join, no singing experience or ability to read music is required. However, the director will want to check that you can hold a note reasonably well.

What do we sing?

Our repertoire is mostly popular songs sung in English (athough we occasionally sing in other languages). We sometimes join other, massed choirs to take part in performances of more serious works (such as Handel's Messiah and Karl Jenkins' The Armed Man)

Where do we rehearse?

Currently we rehearse at the offices of DuPont de Nemours (Contern) each Thursday lunchtime. Although we are planning to change one rehearsal per month to be early Friday evening so that we can socialise afterwards.


We started in 2016 as part of DuPont's diversity programme. A group of employees decided they would like do something in their lunchbreak that was fun and completely unrelated to work. They had heard of the health benefits of singing and decided to give it a try. Most of that early group had never sung in a choir before and some believed that they "couldn't sing". However, the results were encouraging and the group thrived and we sang in public for the first time at Christmas of 2016. After a few years, we realised that we needed more voices to ensure that all the parts were properly covered so we expanded our membership to include people from outside the company and now consider ourselves to be a community choir

How do I join

If you would like to join the choir, please send an email to info@carpediem.dutton.lu